[Idiom] Wave a Magic Wand

Hey guys! Welcome to [Idiom] today!

Source: Free Dictionary
Picture: Canva

To provide the perfect solution to a given problem or difficulty, as if by magic.

i.e. If I could wave a magic wand, I would just make it so the pipe had been installed properly in the first place. But I can’t, so we’re going to have to make a decision about how to fix it.

i.e. We can’t just wave a magic wand and make poverty go away. It will have to be a systematic effort by many stakeholders.

There are some other interesting idioms about “magic”. Follow me to learn about them!

1. White magic

Magic that aims to foster good, either by bringing about positive outcomes or by keeping bad things from happening.

i.e. Her illness has gotten worse, so I did white magic focused on restoring her health.

i.e. Can you do some white magic to stop this hurricane?

2. Magic up

To produce, create, or cause to appear a person or thing very suddenly, as if by magic. A noun or pronoun can be used between “magic” and “up.”

i.e.The floundering production seems to have magicked a new director up out of thin air.

i.e.Their scientists managed to magic up a cure for the disease in just a matter of days.

3. What’s the magic word?

A question posed to someone (typically a child) when they have asked for something without saying “please.”

i.e. A: “Can I have some money to go to the movies?” B: “What’s the magic word?”

That’s all for [Idiom] today. Now try to make at least one sentence with the idioms that you like! That will help you to remember them.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

See you!😀


  1. If i could have a Magic Wand i would Wave it to disappear all the bad guys.

    We will have to go again to the water place and use the Magic Word more Sentimental to bring the service back.
    My brain Magic up his presence in my dreams sometimes .

    He is being using White Magic to keep my eyes just for him.


  2. Well……. Technically we can’t just wave a mangic wand for control everything in our hand.😢

    A:- Divya can uh give me ur book for reading just for three days?
    B:- Bhawna what’s the magic word? 😒


Look forward to your reply!