
男底色.png What motivates you to apply for this position?

女底色.png Actually I want to develop my skill, my career, and also to get self actualization.

男底色.png Alright. How long had you been working at your previous job before you quit?

女底色.png I had been working there for 3 and half years before finally I decided to quit.

男底色.png Why did you quit?

女底色.png Because I didn’t get chance to promote myself. And I do a monotonous job there.

男底色.png What do you expect yourself for the next 3 years?

女底色.png I should have been a manager.

男底色.png What do you consider as your best trait?

女底色.png I’m hard working, a team player, and a great motivator.

男底色.png And …your weakness?

女底色.png Rather workaholic, sometimes I spend too much on working.

男底色.png Do you have any health problems?

女底色.png No I don’t.








1. While children open the eyes of their parents to many things, it is a specious claim to say that they are the greater teachers. Children learn more from parents than their parents could ever learn from them.

2. First of all, children’s brains are undeveloped sponges and more receptive to learning than their adult parents’.

3. Physiologically, the adult brain is less able to learn new things and more set in its ways; you cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

4. On the other hand, children can learn new languages, do better at chess, because their brains are open to learning new concepts. They can think outside the box, because “the box” has not even been built yet.

5. Second of all, children who have educated parents speaking with wide vocabularies are more likely to be successful and to master their native tongue.

6. A study showing that smart children help their parents be more successful would be preposterous.

7. At last, we must admit that experience counts for something. There is knowledge and then there is wisdom that comes from having seen and done things.

8. Children do not have the years of accumulated experience that their parents inevitably have. These “life lessons” are the sort of thing parents want to pass on to their children.

1. The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries – the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal.

2. In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century.

3. The clavichord’s tone was metallic and never powerful; nevertheless, because of the variety of tone possible to it, many composers found the clavichord a sympathetic instrument for intimate chamber music.

4. The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use, but the character of the tone could not be varied save by mechanical or structural devices.

5. The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century by a harpsichord maker in Italy (though musicologists point out several previous instances of the instrument).

6. This instrument was called a piano e forte (sort and loud), to indicate its dynamic versatility; its strings were struck by a recoiling hammer with a felt-padded head.

7. The wires were much heavier in the earlier instruments.

8. A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.

1. hang up
Today we are going to learn “hang up”. It means to end a phone call.
(1). She was angry at her boyfriend and hung up the phone.
(2). Let me speak to Melanie before you hang up.

2. on second thought
Another phrase is “on second thought”. It is used when you want to change a decision you have made.
(1). On second thought, maybe we should take a taxi instead.
(2). Can I have a cup of coffee, please? – Actually, on second thoughts, I’ll have a beer.

1. calm down
Today we are going to learn “calm down”. If you calm down, or if someone calms you down, you become less angry, upset, or excited.
(1). She cried for hours and wouldn’t calm down.
(2). She was angry at first but we managed to calm her down.

2. Break a leg
Another phrase is “Break a leg”. It is used for wishing someone good luck, especially before a performance.
(1). Break a leg and have a great time.
(2). To wish an actor prior to his going on stage to ‘break a leg’ is a well-known practice.

1. A child’s life is full of important experiences that will come to shape and define them later on. Children need to play and be active, to explore the world physically; but they also need to begin the process of learning and acquiring knowledge, and expand their mental capacities.

2. What role should the parents play in these areas of development? Ideally a parent should be involved in both, but in today’s world, time is limited. Under these circumstances, a parent should focus on helping their child with schoolwork.

3. The most important reason for this is because parents should strive to discover where a child’s strengths and passions lie, and then help cultivate those strengths and passions.

4. This will make a huge impact on a child’s future success—and more importantly, also their future happiness. When I was younger I was moderately interested in all subjects, but I had a particular bent for art.

5. My parents could see how excited I was about art homework compared to my other homework. Some parents might have quashed this interest, declaring it impractical. They didn’t.

6. They encouraged me to pursue art, as long as I didn’t neglect the rest of my studies. Since then, art has become an indispensable part of my life and studies, and I am eternally grateful to my parents for that.

7. Another significant reason for parents to involve themselves in their children’s schoolwork is the fact that job competition has grown tremendously.

8. Helping your kids with homework is no longer optional. With such a saturated job market, parents need to help their kids find their calling early on, and then support them in pursuing that calling so they have a chance to distinguish themselves among their peers.


男底色.png Debby, will you go for the savings gathering today?

女底色.png Yes I will. I haven’t got my turn yet, hopefully, today I can get my money.

男底色.png I haven’t either! But I don’t like such a gathering, just waste my time.

女底色.png Why do you think so? So why do you join it since the first place?

男底色.png I just couldn’t refuse their offer.

女底色.png How many times have you come for the gathering?

男底色.png Just once.

女底色.png Really? I don’t come frequently either. But I come more than that. If I’m not busy I’ll always come there.

男底色.png I don’t want to go there anyway. So please can you just give my money to them?

女底色.png Oh my dear…It’s good for us for socializing. Since everybody is busy, it can be an opportunity for us to meet each other while we can also save some money.

男底色.png Do we?

女底色.png Yes of course! If you have talent in selling, it’s perhaps good also for you to market your things.








1. Technology is advancing so rapidly these days that new and amazing electronics are replaced by even newer and more advanced devices within the blink of an eye.

2. It seems that everybody is always waiting in lines to buy the latest iPhone or Gameboy, but you will probably never find me in one of those lines. I prefer to wait till the product is older.

3. To say it simply, I just do not keep up with technology. As a history student, I usually pay more attention to things from the past.

4. Technology has always seemed to be something from the future to me. Also in my studies, I typically don’t need to rely on the latest technology to finish my assignments.

5. Sometimes I use electronic databases to do research, but I usually can find what I’m looking for in the school library. I also have no use for the latest smartphone.

6. In addition, often when new products are released, they always have a few minor malfunctions. When those problems are discovered, usually the company fixes them and releases an upgraded version.

7. If there is a new product that I want to buy, I always wait for the second version of the device. That way I can avoid the hassle of spending a lot of money on something that doesn’t work entirely well.

8. Even after the upgraded version of a product is release, I still like to wait a little longer before I buy it. Usually when there is a new product on the market, the demand is so high that sellers can raise the prices high above the market value of the product.


男底色.png Hi! What will you do with those things?

女底色.png I will throw them away. I don’t need them anymore.

男底色.png Don’t throw those electronic waste carelessly! It’s dangerous for our environment!

女底色.png Listen to me! It’s none of your business. These things are mine. Please leave me alone!

男底色.png We should protect our environment as good as possible, because it can influence our lives.

女底色.png Really? What happens with this broken cell-phones? Broken computer? Should I keep them and fill up my house with these unuseful things?

男底色.png I don’t say that. But do you know that every year more than 10.000 of computer monitors and TV become obsolete? Electronic waste is toxic and contaminate the soil.

女底色.png How do you know it?

男底色.png Look at this. This battery contains lithium, this microchip contains arsenic, phosphorus, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and more hazardous materials. Those materials are not just contaminate the soil, but they can damage the brain and give bad effects for our health.

女底色.png Oh… I see. So where should I throw these things?

男底色.png You can drop your electronic waste in the box network or sell them to be recycled.

女底色.png Alright, I think you right. Sorry for being rude.

男底色.png It’s okay.








1. not a chance
Today we are going to learn “not a chance”. It means that there is no possibility.
(1). “Do you think I could pass for a 21-year-old?” “Not a chance!”
(2). There’s not a chance that I passed my test.

2. take sides
Another phrase is “take sides”. It means to support one person or group rather than another, in an argument or war.
(1). Why don’t you ever take my side?
(2). My mother never takes sides when my brother and I argue.