Hiya! Welcome to today’s [Buzzword]. Before we start today’s topic, let’s review the last episode. Here’s the answer to the practice of the last episode:

“Chillax” is coined by “chill” and “relax”.

In this period, let’s learn a new word “mansplain”.

What is “mansplain”?

When a man explains something to a woman in a patronizing tone as if the woman is too emotional and illogical to understand.


The term mansplaining was inspired by an essay, “Men Explain Things to Me: Facts Didn’t Get in Their Way”, written by Rebecca Solnit. In the essay, Solnit told an anecdote about a man at a party who said he had heard she had written some books. She began to talk about her most recent, on Eadweard Muybridge, whereupon the man cut her off and asked if she had “heard about the very important Muybridge book that came out this year”—not considering that it might be Solnit’s book. Solnit did not use the word mansplaining in the essay, but she described the phenomenon as “something every woman knows”.


I just had a guy mansplaining my own job to me.


Fill in the blank with “explain” and “mansplain”.

He is ____ all these things to me patiently.

He is ____ my own business to me now.

Share your answer with us in the comment zone! See you next time!

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to today’s [Buzzword].

Have you ever met a “snowflake”? Here I don’t mean a real snowflake which you can usually see when it’s snowy. Actually, a “snowflake” can also refer to:

A very sensitive person. Someone who is easily hurt or offended by the statements or actions of others. (From Urban Dictionary)


Don’t criticize Jane for what she did. She’s a snowflake and you’ll only upset her.

Apparently a snowflake is not just a little white speck of a winter flurry that we wish for on Christmas day. Lately the term has been used as a slang insult, often used in a derogatory way to suggest that people — often, but not always, young people — who take offense to anything from political policy changes to offensive comments are as weak and vulnerable as a speck of snow.

But the slang term isn’t new — and its use has evolved quite a bit.

In Missouri in the 1860s, a “snowflake” was a person who was against the abolition of slavery, according to Merriam-Webster.

Snowflakes during that time period valued white people over black people and wanted slavery to continue after the Civil War.


“Snowflake” is a compound word, which means it is composed of two words, “snow” and “flake”. Also, apart from its original meaning, it has an implicit meaning, implying that someone is sensitive and fragile . Can you think of another word which is also a compound word and has an implicit meaning?

Are you a “snowflake”? Or have you met a “snowflake”? Share your story with us in the comment zone! See you next time!

Hello, everyone! The answers to our last episode are:

1. accomplished
2. enhance
3. deliver

In the Internet era, we use emoji to express our emotions everyday on social media. Whenever we feel delighted, upset or outraged, we often use emoji rather than words to help us convey or conceal what we truly feel.

By the way, the word emoji derive from a Japanese word.
Emoji are ideograms and smileys used in electronic messages and web pages. The singular form of plural form of emoji are the same.

As emoji have already become part of our life on the Internet, do you know all the real English meanings of the common emoji we use everyday?

1. grin ( v.&n.)

= to smile widely

Jenny couldn’t hide her delight. She just greeted everyone with a grinning face.

2. tears of joy

It is widely used to show something is funny or pleasing.

When he told her that joke, she burst out laughing with tears of joy.

3. screaming in fear

It is used to express shock or fear.

Hearing that her boss was coming, she suddenly screamed in fear.

4. smirk (v.&n.)

= to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know sth that other people do not know, etc. 

That was more of a smirk when he witnessed that prank on me.

5. weary (adj.)

= very tired or bored, especially because you have been doing something for a long time

After three hours of exhausting work, she sat down with a weary face.


  1. He was ________ of the constant battle between them.
  2. He had a self-satisfied _______ on his face.
  3. He came into the room with a friendly _______ on his face.

Now, I guess you can understood what people want to convey when they use these emoji. We will continue to reveal the real English meanings of more emoji next Thursday. Please remember to follow us!

Don’t forget to share your answers below!

It is important to understand SSC CGL Quant strategy based on difficulty level. Firstly, you have to practice and master the easy portion. You will feel confident after being able to solve these questions with an ease. As you will go on solving increasing difficulty level, you will keep improving. You can click UClass for more information on SSC CGL Quant.

Stage 1: Easy Chapters

You have to start your preparation from easy topics as given below. These are less time consuming, scoring & easy to solve. Your main focus should be achieving the speed of calculation. This will save the crucial time for tough topics.

  1. Simplification (1-2 Qs) – Learn Simplification Techniques based on BODMAS Rule, Fractions, Surds and Indices etc. It is very important for you to learn fast calculation techniques.
  2. Interest (1-2 Qs) – Firstly go through the theory of interest. Then solve the SI Problems on different rate of interest. Read the quickest ways to solve the Compound Interest Problems to increase your speed.
  3. Percentage (1 Qs) – Try to calculate the percentage of a given number mentally without using pen & paper. It will improve your calculation speed.
  4. Average (1 Qs) – Know the basics of averages & solve questions on that.
  5. Ratio and Proportion (1-2 Qs) – Practice Basic Quiz, Advanced Quiz to know the types of questions asked in the exam.
  6. Problems on Ages (1 Qs) – Solve the basic problems of age & then move to more complex one.

Stage 2: Moderate Chapter

With little more efforts, you can ace the topics of moderate difficulty level.

  1. Speed Time And Distance (1-2 Qs) – Practice questions based on Average/Relative speeds, Boats, Trains.
  2. Profit and Loss (2 Qs) – Learn the basic concepts & then solve the problem based on Dishonest/Successive dealings, Partnerships etc.
  3. Number Series (1 Qs) – Try to understand the pattern of number series. It can be in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square form etc.
  4. Number System (1 Qs) – Solve the problems based on LCM & HCF, Irrational or Rational Numbers.
  5. Mensuration (2-3 Qs) – Learn the basic formulas of mensuration & then solve the problems related to Square, Rectangle, Circles, Cone, Cylinder etc by using fast tricks of solving it.
  6. Data Interpretation (2-4 Qs) – Practice problems on Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Tables etc.

Stage 3: Difficult Chapters

This is the section, where you have to spend all your energy. These topics will be difficult for everyone. Extra efforts will make you stand ahead in the competition.

  1. Time and Work (1-2 Qs) – Learn  Shortcut Tricks for Time & Work, Shortcut for Pipes and Cistern, Work & Efficiency and practice problems based on these topics.
  2. Mixture problems (0-1 Qs) – Solve problems based on two or more entities/mixtures.
  3. Algebra (2-3 Qs) – Practice algebra problems by making Linear Equations in one or two variables. Remember all the identities to faster your speed.
  4. Geometry (3-4 Qs) – Solve problems related to Triangles congruency, Similarity theorems, Circle chords & tangent theorems, Co-ordinate geometry etc. Remember all the theorems.
  5. Trigonometry (2-3 Qs) – Mug up all the Trigonometric Identities & solve the questions.

Go through the above 3 stages when preparing for SSC CGL Quant, you can click UClass for more amazing exam tricks.

Once an aspirant clears Civil Services, she/he becomes a part and parcel of the administration. Thus, it is necessary that one should know how the system works and functions of its various institutions and their contribution to society. Click UClass to know more about the Indian Polity.

Hence it is imperative that one should have a clear and deeper understanding of the subject as a whole. But the first thing to do before preparation is to get acquainted with the polity syllabus.

Begin with some basics

Indian Polity is one of the important topics of the General Studies for Civil Services exam. In the new syllabus since 2011, it is mentioned as polity and governance.

Earlier preparation for the Preliminary and Main Examinations was totally different, the former tested the factual premises and the later checked the analytical premises. But the new syllabus demands an integrated approach for both Prelims and Mains. According to the new trends of UPSC, there is a necessity to study Indian Polity along with overall governance of the country.

Of course, Indian Constitutional topics like Preamble, Nature of Constitution, Fundamental Rights and DPSPs, Union Executive, Union Parliament, State Executive and Legislature, Judiciary, Centre-State Relations etc. form the core of Indian Polity. Apart from this several challenges to Indian democracy are also becoming one of the preferred areas of UPSC, for example Communalism, Regionalism, Caste Politics, Internal Security, Criminalization of politics, Corruption, Population, Poverty, Unemployment, etc.

In addition to this, contemporary issues like Good Governance, Role of IT in administration, Civil Society, Right to Information, Electoral Reforms, Role of Pressure Groups, Energy and Food Security, Environment and Sustainable development, etc. are also important.

Divide & conquer this subject. First of all, divide Indian Polity into 3 parts:

  1. Preamble, Fundamental rights, DPSP, Fundamental duties, Amendments and Emergency provisions
  2. Parliament and state legislature, President, Supreme court and high courts, Federalism, Center state relations
  3. Constitutional bodies, Statutory bodies, Rights issues, Panchayats & Political parties, elections, anti-defection law, all schedules, oaths, and remaining topics

When you start one part and study that completely. You may choose to divide the syllabus in your own way but please do fragment the syllabus and study. It makes you easy to remember.

  • Prelims examination not only requires conceptual clarity but also the applied part of it. Some of the preparation tips for the Prelims exam are:
  • One should be thorough in facts and also the conceptual part of it.
  • The conceptual clarity helps to solve the analytical question asked from this section.
  • According to the earlier trends, it was easy to attempt the maximum number of questions from this section because generally questions from this section were direct and based on factual information. Almost 90% of the questions are asked from the constitutional provisions and the remaining part usually covers the current affairs. But, now the nature of questions has changed. Along with factual information, one should cover the current political developments. Therefore, one should be thorough with the current political developments in the country.
  • Practicing previous year questions will help you to find out the areas where you commit mistakes.
  • At least once read the bare act thoroughly to understand the small facts & concepts related to the topic.
  • Attempt at least one IAS Quiz/Test on Polity

Polity is one of the easiest of all the subjects to score, because of the following reasons:

  • The syllabus is concise and factual
  • Straight forward questions are asked (not much analytical) and if you have revised Polity thoroughly then, you can get most of the answers right if not for 100% accuracy
  • The questions are generally easy to moderate

So start your preparation with full zeal. Liked the article? There are more useful content about UPSC Indian Polity in UClass.

SSC CGL 2019: Here are complete details on important topics, smart tips and tricks and strategy for the English preparation. Click U Class to see more information on SSC CGL English preparation.

SSC CGL 2019: What to study?

Before you start solving questions, it is important to know what to prepare. On a clean sheet, make a list of all the topics you need to prepare for SSC CGL English Tier-1 Exam. Make a timetable and stick to it. Divide all the topics you need to prepare for and assign a time slot for each topic, every day.

General information

You can expect around 5 questions from reading comprehension, fill in the blanks, one-word substitution, phrase replacement, error spotting and up to two questions from spellings and phrase or idiom meaning. While reading comprehension, error spotting and phrase replacement are time-consuming topics like fill in the blanks, spellings, phrase or idiom meaning and one-word substitution are less or moderately time-consuming.

Few other topics you can expect in the exam: Synonyms & Antonyms, Phrase/Idiom meaning, Cloze test, Direct & Indirect speech and Active and Passive voice.

Preparation Method

There are three things you need to master for the English Language section and those are: Vocabulary, Grammar and the Text Comprehension.

To improve your vocabulary, whenever you come across a new word, look it up the dictionary immediately. Understand it’s meaning and also look up the synonyms and antonyms of the word. Use these words in your daily conversations to build vocabulary. Refer to ‘Word Power Made Easy’ by Norman Lewis for a better vocabulary. Mnemonic techniques help in remembering vocabulary better.

Brush up your basic English grammar; refer to ‘High School Grammar and Composition’ by Wren & Martin. Develop a reading habit to enhance your text comprehension. Read a variety of text, like novels, newspapers, and magazines. Try reading fast, by clubbing two-three words at a time and avoid sub-vocalisation.

Take daily English Language quizzes every day. Practice at least 10 reading comprehension passages every day and solve 30 grammar questions.

Study smart and achieve your goals in SSC CGL English. Click U Class to see more English preparation strategies for the upcoming SSC CGL Tier-1.

SSC CGL is one of the most competitive exam among graduates, aspirants should prepare wisely to crack SSC CGL exam. Study plan is the first step which helps you organize your exam preparation. Go through the following 11 tips or click U Class to see the SSC CGL English hack course.

  1. Before you start the preparation, you need to know the pattern and structure of SSC CGL, You can watch the Open Class in U Class app, to know the detailed exam structure.
  2. To qualify in the English section, keep your focus on reading comprehension, cloze passage, para jumbles and fill in the blanks.
  3. While reading newspapers and magazines for preparation of GA section, pay attention to the structure of the sentence, the words, tenses, verbs and other figures of speech used. This will come in handy while answering questions with 90%+ accuracy.
  4. No matter what you read and where you read, follow these tricks to read it quickly and improve your reading speed.
  5. To score well and to clear sectional cutoffs, solve only those, of which you are 100% sure off.
  6. Follow a plan. You need to attempt 30-35 questions.
  7. If you feel that you are lagging a bit, solve grammar questions but with utmost care.
  8. Solving 70-80% questions with 100% accuracy is better than solving 100% questions with 70-80% accuracy.
  9. Give 1 hour daily for General English preparation.
  10. Use reliable grammar guide books.
  11. Start giving Mock Tests. Identify topics you are weak in and again attempt those topics.

For more free information on SSC CGL English prep, you can click U Class to find more, or Download U Class from Google Play.


On Jan 27th, AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2019 sponsored by SHANDA GAMES was held in Bangkok. AKB48 (China) teamed up with SHANDA GAMES release a new mobile game called AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze. As the official strategic partner of AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze, U-Dictionary provides the translation support for the whole event.


On the grand launch event, five members including YOKOYAMA YUI, TAKAHASHI JURI, MUKAICHI MION, OGURI YUI and TANIGUCHI MEGU from AKB48 unveiled the roll-out of AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze before SHANDA GAMES revealed the first layout as well as the official video of the game. Other than Thailand, players from Indonesia, Philippine, Vietnam, and etc, are also able to download and enjoy playing the game.图2

AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze game is now available for pre-order. This is the best opportunity for gamers and AKB48 fans to enjoy the idol’s authorized game. Hit the link to pre-order now. ↓↓↓



Pada tanggal 27 Januari, AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2019 disponsori oleh SHANDA GAMES diadakan di Bangkok. AKB48 (Tiongkok) bekerja sama dengan SHANDA GAMES merilis game mobile baru yang disebut AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze. Salah satu produk NetEase, U-Dictionary, yang merupakan mitra strategis resmi AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze, memberikan dukungan terjemahan untuk acara ini.


Pada acara peluncuran perdana, lima anggota AKB48 termasuk YOKOYAMA YUI, TAKAHASHI JURI, MUKAICHI MION, OGURI YUI dan TANIGUCHI MEGU mengumumkan tentang peluncuran AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze sebelum SHANDA GAMES mengungkapkan layout pertama dan juga video resmi dari game ini. Selain Thailand, pemain dari Indonesia, Filipina, Vietnam, dan lain-lain, dapat mengunduh dan menikmati mobile game ini.


Game AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze sekarang tersedia untuk pre-order. Ini adalah kesempatan terbaik untuk gamers dan penggemar AKB48 untuk menikmati game resmi AKB48. Buka tautan untuk pre-order sekarang. ↓↓↓




男底色.png Ouch! This is really ridiculous you know! I hate this situation!

女底色.png Hi, calm down please! Don’t be so emotional guy!

男底色.png You just don’t know what I feel! Everything is getting worse, because of him.

女底色.png Stop blaming other people. Be patient, and think positively.

男底色.png You know what? He forgot to book my ticket to join the seminar tomorrow, and the ticket is sold out. Can I still be calm?

女底色.png Well, you don’t need to be angry, take a deep breath to control your emotion.

男底色.png Okay…( take a deep breath ) so,….What I do next? I’m still upset.

女底色.png Next, think positively, turn your anger into energy. And here we go,…you can do the action for the next step.

男底色.png You mean, that I don’t need to get the ticket? And I should get another seminar next time?

女底色.png Yup…exactly. You can’t change the situation anyway. So manage your emotion to feel better. If you can’t change the situation, change the way you think. That’s called emotional intelligence.

男底色.png Emotional intelligence? Maybe I need to know more about it.

女底色.png You should learn emotional intelligence.