[Song] Sold Out

Hey guys! Welcome Back to [Song]!🎢

Let us check the answers of the last episode.

1. trees

2. branches

3. kness

Hawk Nelson is a Canadian Christian rock and pop punk band from Peterborough, Ontario. Formed in 2000, the band has released eight studio albums. Currently the band doesn’t have a singer.

In 2000, Dunn, Clark, and Paige founded a Peterborough-based group called “SWISH”, while Biro sang lead vocals for a four-piece group called the “Cheese Monkeys from Planet Nine” from Barrie, Ontario. In 2000, SWISH released their first independent album, Riding Around the Park on Mime Radio, an independent record label based in Peterborough. In January 2002, Biro moved to Peterborough to join Dunn, Clark and Paige and SWISH was renamed “Reason Being”, before finally settling with the name “Hawk Nelson”. In 2003, they released their second independent album, Saturday Rock Action.

Hope you enjoy the song! 😘

Click the button at the bottom of the screen to play the music. And please fill in the blanks.

I ain’t like no one you met before
I’m running for the front
When they’re all running for the door
And I won’t sit down won’t back out
You can’t ever shut me up
Cause I’m on a mission
And I won’t quit now

In a world full of followers
I’ll be a leader
In a world full of doubters
I’ll be a believer
I’m stepping out without a hesitation
Because the battle’s already been won

I’m sold out
I’m no ___(one word missing) living
Just for myself
Running after Jesus
With my whole heart
And now I’m ready to shout
I am sold out
I’m sold out
With every single
Step that I take now
With every drop of blood
Left in my veins
I’m gonna be making it count
I am sold out

This ain’t just some temporary phase
You can’t face this kind of grace
And leave the way you came
This is permanent with intent
And there won’t be no stopping it now
I’m on a mission and it’s heaven sent

In a world full of followers
I’ll be a leader
In a world full of doubters
I’ll be a believer
I’m stepping out without a ___(one word missing)
Cause my soul is like a stadium

I’m sold out
I’m no longer living
Just for myself
Running after Jesus
With my whole heart
And now I’m ready to shout
I am sold out
I’m sold out
With every single
___(one word missing) that I take now
With every drop of blood
Left in my veins
I’m gonna be making it count
I am sold out

No trials coming against me
Could put a dent in my passion
They’re just an opportunity
To put my faith into action

In a world full of followers
I’ll be a leader
In a world full of doubters
I’ll be a believer
I’m stepping out without a hesitation
I ain’t got nothing left to be afraid of

I’m sold out
I’m no longer living
Just for myself
Running after Jesus
With my whole heart
And now I’m ready to shout
I am sold out
I’m sold out
With every single
Step that I take now
With every drop of blood
Left in my veins
I’m gonna be making it count
I am sold out

😜Share your feelings with us below if you like this song.

See you next time! 😍 


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