[Word-ology] Contend = Con+Tend

💡It’s time for [Word-ology], a column helping you learn words much easier!💡

Before today’s learning, let’s check the answers to the last episode.

1. agent=ag-[do, act, drive]+ent-[the person who does something]

Definition: An agent is someone who “does” something for you.

2. navigate=nav-[ship]+ig-[drive, steer]+ate-[v.]

Definition: The original navigation was a “driving” or “steering” of a “ship” from one place to another.

Today, we are going to learn a new etymon tend‘ with the word contend. The etymontend means stretch” and it is an important component in many words!

8. 21 Word-ology

The word consists of two meaningful etyma. The first “con” means “together“, and the second “tend” means ”stretch”. By combining them together, we can easily deduce that the meaning of the word “contend” is “(many people) stretch (out) together (to get something)”.

And in Oxford Advanced Learning Dictionary, “contend” means “to compete against sb in order to gain sth , which is highly similar to what we’ve deduced.

Here’s an example to use “contend“:

Three armed groups were contending for power.

Now it’s your time to figure out the meanings of the following words!



That’s all for [Word-ology] today!

Please leave your answers in the comment below.

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