[Mini Blog] Why Did You Break Up With Your Ex?

Hiya! Valentine’s day just passed. How did you celebrate it? Did you have a good time with your loved one?  💕

Before we begin today’s topic, let’s review our last episode‘ s topic:

Should I Tell The Truth If I Don’t Like Her Present?

We appreciate your insightful comments. Here are some interesting opinions 💡 :

Let’s move on to today’s topic!

Did you know that 70 percent of straight unmarried couples break up within the first year? This is according to a study by Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld who tracked more than 3,000 people in 2009 to find out what happens to relationships over time. And the sad truth is to stay in love is much more difficult than to fall in love.

Maintaining a relationship requires mutual understanding and compromise. Many couples have to face countless challenges and conflicts in day-to-day life. If they fail to communicate and to put themselves in each other’s shoes, their relationship may end up with endless fights and regrets.

When one relationship failed, many people were sometimes wondering if there was anything they could have done to save it. Although not everyone can save their relationship in the end, it is never to late to learn from those mistakes we’ve made.

So what is the biggest mistake you and your ex have made in your relationship, and what did you learn from it?

Please Feel free to share your experience and leave your opinions in the comment section. We’re looking forward to your comments!

See you all next time! 😆 



  1. Because she and me forgot to fully appreciate the goldilocks story-or that birds of a feather flock together.-abba once said about fairy tales-now there are some fairy tales I love.-!thank you for the music ABBA.


  2. If we fall in relationships then we should take it seriously. Nowadays many people make relationship for time pass. We always learn something new everyday from our partner.


  3. Actually and honestly he was my crush. it is so huumilating to call him as my crush because it was his flirt and I thought he like me. He stare me with lust and I thought it love. He use me as a object and now he is in relationships and getting married soon but his habits are same. staring girls with squaint and like thief eyes. Mostly we do same mistake. Usually we attract towards physical beauty and want to his/her in our life but it’s wrong .Some boys and girls use others for amusement or time pass and don’t care about other feelings. I learned from this that real beauty is inner not outer. And honestly I would like to suggest to all that this is only waste your damn time .instead one should always focus on their goal and the right person will appear, if not then no matter just enjoy yourself and appreciate the beauty around you present in everything and everywhere .Love is love it is not necessary to it should be with opposite gender your parents and others need your love and support. So keep loving yourself because it is first step to come in the world of love.


    1. Seriously, ur story is just like mine… But he isn’t getting married yet.
      And u know what our thoughts are also similar… 🙂🙂


      1. Really …That’s why I shared my story coz I know so many people relate to it. But seriously I m thankful to God that he is not part of my life coz that kind of lusty people never understand meaning of love. My life is so much beautiful now and I am much confident and mature than before and most of all I understood the difference between lusty eyes and the eyes full of love. But thanks to u who appreciates my words it means a lot to me.


  4. Love is a waste of time.In today’s era, it is difficult to find true love bcoz for most of the people nowadays it becomes the way of timepass.So, instead of wasting our time on such a fool thing, we should focus on our dreams nd goal.Ist we should achieve the success then after think about it only


  5. I think ,when we don’t take relation seriously it’s break. When we look at someone at first glance, we attracted to it & we feel that we love each other and our relationship reach to marriage. Later when our attraction deviate from one another the misunderstanding between us begin to erupt and we think we never had trust in each other. That was just attraction and only if the relationship is broken So, in order to maintain the relation we must believe in each other and understand each other.


  6. Love is the base of any relationship but with love understanding is also most important aspect of it. If there’s no trust and understanding then you will ruin your relationship.


  7. Sometimos people doesn’t know what tthe want in a relationship. Goes for the life involving on whatever relationship without any road.


  8. He was too much into a girl ,the girl used to be my bestie , but we broke up for certain reason . My bf asked me if i wanted him , i should make up with my bestie , as he didn’t want to leave her.
    He gave her importance more than I so had to leave him . I m happy in my current relationship .
    And have chosen a partner who will never more preference to any other girl but me. I will never make any such mistake like I made in my previous relationship as a person learns many things from someone whether it’s bad or good . I usually prefer to take goodness of a relation or a person.


  9. He used to say he will be with me when we tell everyone about us…. But on the d day when everyone knew about us. He denied to admit it
    And now again he wants to come back saying that was not the right time. Now when I handled everything alone last time I can handle everything this time too I don’t need these kind of people in my life who looks for a right time to admit that they are with someone. If you have guts to propose have that guts to admit it in front of everyone.


  10. In order to maintain a healthy relationship we must have honesty,commitment and communication..Most of the couple’s at the beginning of their relationship they communicate and complement at each other very well..But as time goes by he or she expects the same way how they behave at the beginning of their relationship.In my point of view lack of communication is the main conflict in the relationship.It might lead to misunderstandings,resentments…..


  11. Failed in a relationship because we just mature yet. And remember that every failed always have better for our life. Especially to the people have positif thinking.


  12. I want to Share a story of my classmate. She used to love with a boy who’s lives near to his house. She is really crazy for him. But for him she’s only time pass . In fact she knew it but she thought one day he fell in my love. But in January he got married with another girl. She became very sad. She used to spent her time in weep. To moral of the story. You have to concentrate in your studies not in love. It wastes your time.


  13. the biggest mistake that i was made with my ex it’s come from me, i was very selfish at that time, and my thinking is not yet mature. So, i always do many mistake to him, and that make him uncomfortable with the relationship. We are broke up for 3 times


  14. He was cheating with another beautiful young woman.

    A lesson for me is…

    Honesty is the most valuable treasure, don’t ever expect it with the cheap one… especially… a betrayal…


  15. we break up cause she Ex tell her that he is still love her, and she’s not tell him that she has a boyfriend (me) until i said to her to tell the truth..

    *im still learning to type using english 😫🙏🏻


  16. I think the biggest mistake is that there is no mutual understanding between us and loyality and I think all we need in relationship is care and love.


  17. As love is turning materialistic nowadays,there couldn’t be a bigger reason to not be in a relationship
    or breaking up with your to be Ex


  18. Actually,I do like to fall in love but it hasn’t happened for me anytime its just because I doubt weather I can be happy in relation and I can’t bear if it went wrong.


  19. Iam married .i don’t know about love because I know value of parents , I know value of my husband love .iam happy with my husband before marriage iam not fall in love I think it’s waste of time ,and it’s only attraction .every relationship bepends on understanding but in college days I saw so many love couple they don’t know why they love each other and why they scoral each and why they break up each other because they aren’t understanding each other I think every relationship is bepends on band if there is bond they understand together


  20. The biggest mistake I did in my relationship is I believed her. Because she didn’t care about my feelings.and I did learn from it a lot. The first one is don’t trust anyone easily .And second is be happy in your life and love yourself.


  21. I just hate my ex cause he cheated me he was handling two girls at the same time and from now I hate all men and don’t wanna be with anyone We still communicate with each other and he always used to talk to me infront and her
    I truly love him and love me till the last breath


    1. I appreciate you to forsake him but life gave you another chance to fall in love I hope you will meet your soulmate as possible as


  22. I know that some things he don’t like but my situations demands to do that, this type of problems we faced. I shared all my secrets he can’t digest them now. He is very perticular in all , which I can’t bear . Bus we love each other very much, we can’t live without one another, but all the time we are fighting, don’t know how long it continues…. I’m waiting for the day when I do the things only he likes . And I want his support in all things. And finally we are not ex lovers .. we love each other ferever….


  23. In my life I was big mistake with my loved ones. Ofter my life change. One up on time I abusing with my loved. After few day she breakup


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