Prepare SSC CGL Tier-1 In 30 Days

SSC CGL 2019: Here are complete details on important topics, smart tips and tricks and strategy for the English preparation. Click U Class to see more information on SSC CGL English preparation.

SSC CGL 2019: What to study?

Before you start solving questions, it is important to know what to prepare. On a clean sheet, make a list of all the topics you need to prepare for SSC CGL English Tier-1 Exam. Make a timetable and stick to it. Divide all the topics you need to prepare for and assign a time slot for each topic, every day.

General information

You can expect around 5 questions from reading comprehension, fill in the blanks, one-word substitution, phrase replacement, error spotting and up to two questions from spellings and phrase or idiom meaning. While reading comprehension, error spotting and phrase replacement are time-consuming topics like fill in the blanks, spellings, phrase or idiom meaning and one-word substitution are less or moderately time-consuming.

Few other topics you can expect in the exam: Synonyms & Antonyms, Phrase/Idiom meaning, Cloze test, Direct & Indirect speech and Active and Passive voice.

Preparation Method

There are three things you need to master for the English Language section and those are: Vocabulary, Grammar and the Text Comprehension.

To improve your vocabulary, whenever you come across a new word, look it up the dictionary immediately. Understand it’s meaning and also look up the synonyms and antonyms of the word. Use these words in your daily conversations to build vocabulary. Refer to ‘Word Power Made Easy’ by Norman Lewis for a better vocabulary. Mnemonic techniques help in remembering vocabulary better.

Brush up your basic English grammar; refer to ‘High School Grammar and Composition’ by Wren & Martin. Develop a reading habit to enhance your text comprehension. Read a variety of text, like novels, newspapers, and magazines. Try reading fast, by clubbing two-three words at a time and avoid sub-vocalisation.

Take daily English Language quizzes every day. Practice at least 10 reading comprehension passages every day and solve 30 grammar questions.

Study smart and achieve your goals in SSC CGL English. Click U Class to see more English preparation strategies for the upcoming SSC CGL Tier-1.


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