[Exam] SSC CGL English Study Plan

SSC CGL is one of the most competitive exam among graduates, aspirants should prepare wisely to crack SSC CGL exam. Study plan is the first step which helps you organize your exam preparation. Go through the following 11 tips or click U Class to see the SSC CGL English hack course.

  1. Before you start the preparation, you need to know the pattern and structure of SSC CGL, You can watch the Open Class in U Class app, to know the detailed exam structure.
  2. To qualify in the English section, keep your focus on reading comprehension, cloze passage, para jumbles and fill in the blanks.
  3. While reading newspapers and magazines for preparation of GA section, pay attention to the structure of the sentence, the words, tenses, verbs and other figures of speech used. This will come in handy while answering questions with 90%+ accuracy.
  4. No matter what you read and where you read, follow these tricks to read it quickly and improve your reading speed.
  5. To score well and to clear sectional cutoffs, solve only those, of which you are 100% sure off.
  6. Follow a plan. You need to attempt 30-35 questions.
  7. If you feel that you are lagging a bit, solve grammar questions but with utmost care.
  8. Solving 70-80% questions with 100% accuracy is better than solving 100% questions with 70-80% accuracy.
  9. Give 1 hour daily for General English preparation.
  10. Use reliable grammar guide books.
  11. Start giving Mock Tests. Identify topics you are weak in and again attempt those topics.

For more free information on SSC CGL English prep, you can click U Class to find more, or Download U Class from Google Play.

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