AKB48 Releases Original Authorized Mobile Game “AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze”


On Jan 27th, AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2019 sponsored by SHANDA GAMES was held in Bangkok. AKB48 (China) teamed up with SHANDA GAMES release a new mobile game called AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze. As the official strategic partner of AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze, U-Dictionary provides the translation support for the whole event.


On the grand launch event, five members including YOKOYAMA YUI, TAKAHASHI JURI, MUKAICHI MION, OGURI YUI and TANIGUCHI MEGU from AKB48 unveiled the roll-out of AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze before SHANDA GAMES revealed the first layout as well as the official video of the game. Other than Thailand, players from Indonesia, Philippine, Vietnam, and etc, are also able to download and enjoy playing the game.图2

AKB48 Cherry Bay Blaze game is now available for pre-order. This is the best opportunity for gamers and AKB48 fans to enjoy the idol’s authorized game. Hit the link to pre-order now. ↓↓↓




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